Learn.Grow.Pass reflections

Self-discovery, collective growth, and knowledge sharing as a pillars of the Learn.Grow.Pass philosophy.

Learn.Grow.Pass reflections
Photo by Alex / Unsplash

A couple of years ago, I introduced the concept Learn.Grow.Pass with a newsletter entry that detailed the highlights of what I learned that year.

I described Learn.Grow.Pass as:

My mother once told me that I should read to learn. I took that statement to heart. To satisfy my curiosity or to learn something new; I turn to books. My mother once told me “if you’re going to do something, do it right.” I also took that statement to heart. Whenever I learn something, I strive to do it right and do my best. My family, particularly my mother, grandmother, and father demonstrated such generosity throughout their life that it became second nature for me to give.Over the years, I realized that I combined some of my family values into a personal philosophy of Learn.Grow.Pass. * Gain knowledge, information, skills, or resources (Learn) * Put into practice this knowledge, information, skills, or resources (Grow) * Share the knowledge, information, skills, or resources (Pass).

Learn.Grow.Pass eventually became the name of this newsletter with the tagline of narrative letters exploring individual and collective change delivered on the first of every month.

It’s been 3 years since writing the first issue and I’m reflecting on what it means to Learn.Grow.Pass and what the composition of this newsletter and website should be. I would still like to write my letters, but I’m wondering if I should add other tidbits like: links to interesting articles I’m reading or quotes that inspire me or ideas that I’m working on.

I’m still thinking through Learn.Grow.Pass, but at its core, it's the DNA of Lima Pea Co. Lima Pea Co. is a collection of stories and strategies for social impact leaders. I'm still trying to articulate what is Lima Pea Co., but I think Learn.Grow.Pass gives insight into the direction I can go in.

When I break down Learn- I mean self-discovery which is the basis of the Intellectual Will system.

Intellectual Will: A Guided Journal
Blueprint for (over)thinkers. The Intellectual Will is a goal attainment blueprint for visionary (over)thinkers who are dealing with uncertainty and need to organize their thoughts so they can build their visions and pass along their ideas.

When I break down Grow - I mean collective growth which is the basis of the Collectively Upward framework

Looking ahead to 2029
A framework for serving as a leadership and mentoring resource is outlined and proposed.

When I break down Pass - I mean knowledge sharing which is the basis for the Histofuturism concept.

Put that all together and it becomes a strategy for change. A call to action. To create impactful change, you should know who you are in the same vein as Toni Cade Bambara said: “the revolution begins with the self, in the self." Once you know yourself and want to make change, you need to do it with others because creating change requires stamina. Once you’ve worked together to create change, that knowledge and the lessons learned need to be documented and passed down. These concepts are embedded within one another and are not necessarily linear.

What does this change result in? Why are you making change? It results in: alignment, awareness, abundance, and awareness.

The other day I was journaling and I sketched out a visualization of the strategy for change.

This is the beginning of me articulating all these concepts and I will continue to share my thinking.

***Lisa-Marie, Ph.D.

P.S. If you haven't already check out the Intellectual Will: Guided Journal for Self-Discovery in Uncertain Places.

Intellectual Will: A Guided Journal
Blueprint for (over)thinkers. The Intellectual Will is a goal attainment blueprint for visionary (over)thinkers who are dealing with uncertainty and need to organize their thoughts so they can build their visions and pass along their ideas.

P.P.S Check out the Intellectual Will fireside chat.

Intellectual Will: Fireside Chat & Author Q&A
Lisa-Marie Pierre and Roosevelt Jean-Francois are joined by friends, family, and community to discuss the pre-launch of the Intellectual Will: A Guided Journ...