It took 11 years, but I reached my goal

Intellectual Will: A blueprint for (over)thinkers.

It took 11 years, but I reached my goal

Hi Everyone,

The Intellectual Will: A Guided Journal for Self-Discovery in Uncertain Places is available for purchase : ).

Intellectual Will: A Guided Journal
Blueprint for (over)thinkers. The Intellectual Will is a goal attainment blueprint for visionary (over)thinkers who are dealing with uncertainty and need to organize their thoughts so they can build their visions and pass along their ideas.

On October 17th 2017, I wrote a one-pager for a friend after he asked me "how do I get organized?" That question led me down a rabbit hole as I tried to answer the question for him. The one-pager turned into a longer document. The longer document turned into a workshop. Finally, that workshop turned into a journal.

It is fitting that the journal is available for purchase this October.

Writing a book has been on my bucketlist since 2010 and I did it. I wrote a story and I packaged it up for sale.

This entire process has been rooted in my value of supporting a diversified supply chain.

  • My designer and copyeditor are both Black women.
  • My project strategist is a woman, my beta readers are young POC or women, and my printer is a worker-owned cooperative (and a Union) located in Brooklyn.
  • One of my values is giving back. I believe in giving back to pioneers of liberation; those who believed in people over profit. 8% of profits are donated to Grown in Haiti, a Haiti-based organization that promotes reforestation and community development.

The Intellectual Will is a blueprint for visionary (over)thinkers. I have a goal of getting this journal in 1000 people's hands. Can you help me reach that goal?

Thank you,

***Lisa-Marie, Ph.D.

How to Support

  1. Purchase a copy of the Intellectual Will
  2. Forward this email to 3 people who you think could benefit from the Intellectual Will
  3. Send a text with the link to the online shop to 3 people who you think could benefit from the Intellectual Will
  4. Spread the word. Use the hashtag #IntellectualWill and tag @LimaPeaCo on Twitter or Instagram
  5. Invite me to speak on your podcast, Clubhouse, Twitter Spaces, or Vlog
  6. Self-publishing at a local printer is expensive. If you're not interested in purchasing the journal, but would like to financially contribute, send me an email and let's discuss or send a gift to my Paypal <> or Venmo @LimaPeaCo
  7. Register to attend the Zoom launch party on Sunday October 31st from 1pm to 2:30pm